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How AI Can Help Grow Your Business from the Founder & CEO of TrueLark, Srivatsan Laxman

Episode Guest

Srivatsan Laxman is CEO and co-founder of Palo Alto-based TrueLark.TrueLark provides AI-powered customer support and marketing solutions for local businesses. Laxman has 25 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence. Over the years, his work has spanned many different domains including conversational systems, search and ads, bioinformatics, computational biology, computer security and manufacturing. He is passionate about building intelligent systems that predict, summarize, recommend, and take action, and he believes the next few years will see AI simplifying and enriching our lives in many exciting new ways.

How AI Can Help Grow Your Business from the Founder & CEO of TrueLark, Srivatsan Laxman

Episode intro

Are you a business owner looking to save time every day and make more money? Are you intrigued about AI and how it might help your business grow and be more successful? Then this week’s podcast episode is for you. Tune in as Srivatsan Laxman, the Founder & CEO of TrueLark share his background in AI and how it can help automate and streamline your business to make it more efficient and profitable.

Srivatsan Laxman is CEO and co-founder of Palo Alto-based TrueLark.TrueLark provides AI-powered customer support and marketing solutions for local businesses. Laxman has 25 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence. Over the years, his work has spanned many different domains including conversational systems, search and ads, bioinformatics, computational biology, computer security and manufacturing. He is passionate about building intelligent systems that predict, summarize, recommend, and take action, and he believes the next few years will see AI simplifying and enriching our lives in many exciting new ways.

Be prepared to be inspired by Srivatsan’s story and motivated to take your business to the next level with AI - let’s get hacking!

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